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Styles for KORG i-Series

Below is a range of brand new style disks specifically for Korg i-series instruments. Each disk contains 3 brand new styles complete with 2 intros, 2 endings, 2 fill-ins and 4 variations. Plus there are 8 new arrangements based on the new style data. The latest addition to our collection is different as it contains just one style but there are 64 brand new arrangements based on this new style.Each disk is produced exclusively by Labyrinth Midi Music. There are 8 titles currently available catagorized as follows:

LRS-BB1 Big Band Volume 1
This disk contains various swing
styles ranging from Quicksteps
through Foxtrots and Slow Swings.
LRS-BB2 Big Band Volume 2
Similar to the Big Band Volume 1
style disk but more suited to
LRS-PP1 Pop Styles Volume 1
Consists of the popular 8 Beats and
16 Beats which can be used for
many applications.
LRS RK1 Rock Styles Volume 1
Contains Hard Rock type style data
which uses the excellent rock guitar
sounds of the i-series.
LRS-DR1 Dance/Rave Volume 1
New Techno and Hip-Hop style data
suitable for many hard core applications.
LRS-EP1 E.P. Ballads Volume 1
Soulful electric piano type style data
ideal for smoochy songs.
LRS-NC1 New Country Volume 1
Ideal for Country fans. This disk recreates
the guitar playing techniques
that have made country so popular.
£10.99 each
Compatible with: Korg i1, i2, i3,
i4S, i5S & i5M
LRS-ST1 Theatre & Swing Volume 1
A brand addition the collection
Swing beat style with a Theatre Organ
complete with all new arrangements!
More new styles coming shortly
Keep calling back!

64 Excellent new organ sounds
for user bank'D'on the i3. The disk
includes a large selection of of pipe
organs and superb emulations of
famous cathedral organs.
Also, Hammonds, Jimmy Smith's
Reeds e.t.c.
Also available for Korg X3 users
(100 progs&100 combi's on X3 version)
Price £12.99
i3 & X3 Organ Sounds
11.99 each

Compatible with: Korg i3 and X3
Ordering Information

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Labyrinth House, 11 Albert Place, Lower Darwen, Blackburn Lancashire, BB3 0QE, England
Tel: +44 (0)1254 678915 Fax: +44 (0)1254 678917

Airtime Internet Resources Ltd Last modified 3rd March 1997